A TIF District is a redevelopment tool which, at the time a district is created, establishes a "base" assessed value of the real estate contained within the district. As redevelopments occur within the district, property values increase. The difference, or gap, between the base value and the increased value is called the "increment." The tax revenue collected on the "increment" is held in a special fund by the City. These funds can then be used for a variety of improvements within the District, subject to Illinois TIF statutes.
The City of Collinsville has three active TIF Districts:
TIF 3:
Created in 2003, TIF 3 encompasses approximately 66 acres and is located in the northeast quadrant of Interstate 255 and 55/70.
Southwest TIF:
Created in 2016, the Southwest TIF is approximately 857 acres and generally includes St. Louis Road, Collinsville Road, and Bluff Road commercial corridors from Fanduel Racetrack to the west of Jefferson Avenue on the east and along Bluff Road north to Interstate 55/70.
I-255/Horseshoe Lake Road TIF:
Created in 2008, the I-255/Horseshoe Lake Road TIF is located in the northwest quadrant of the I-55/255 corridor, bounded by the Interstates to the south and east, Horseshoe Lake Road to the north, and Cahokia Creek to the west.